バンドスコア ジャンヌダルク「Dearly」+「Resist」+「CHAOS MODE」 (バンド・スコア)

ジャンル: | 本
セールスランク: | 143375 位
発送可能時期: | 通常24時間以内に発送
参考価格: | ¥ 3,990 (税込)
Good for one of JDA's earlier scores
This score contains the three indy releases by JDA. Most of the songs are transcribed pretty faithfully, but some contain noticeable mistakes, like the beginning riff to "...song" and some notational mistakes in the keyboard parts for "Confusion," but with some practice and a good ear, these problems were easily fixable and for three albums at this price is a good value. Especially with this score, you's solos are very difficult, like Judgment ?shinigami no kiss? and -R-Type ?hitomi no iro?. Also, it would've been nice if MISTAKE and Jesus Christ were added, but those were released after this score was made, so it's all right. I recommend this bandscore for anyone who wants to learn to play JDA's early work.
Janne Da Arc
インディーズ時代のスコアです。 結構難しいので中〜上級者向けです。 ところどころ原曲と違うところがありますが、その辺は耳コピで。
バンドスコア Janne Da Arc 「GAIA」+3 バンドスコア ジャンヌダルク/Z-HARD+3 (バンド・スコア) バンドスコア ジャンヌダルク DNA+3 (バンド・スコア) バンドスコア Janne Da Arc /ARCADIA+6 (バンド・スコア) バンドスコア Janne Da Arc / ANOTHER STORY+3 (バンド・スコア)